To provide a comfortable crossing for pedestrians and cyclists between the growing neighborhoods of Karlín and Holešovice is the objective of the new bridge. It provides the unique opportunity to reconnect the surrounding residential and commercial areas with the riverfront and to increase the island's attractiveness as a leisure and activity space. From a hardly accessible wasteland, Štvanice is turned into a peaceful retreat for dwellers and visitors.
The general layout of the bridge is composed by two curved branches, with their concavity oriented towards the old town for the Holešovice branch and towards the East for the Karlín branch. In order to strenghten the visual connection with the river, the landing on Bubenské nábřeží is positioned in the axis of the Western market street. The clear design of the bridge shows a consistent unity, emerging naturally from both riverbanks and blending softly with the landscape and topography of the island. Unlike the two existing (car and railway) bridges, which are only spanning Štvanice, the new connection is seeking deeper physical and scenic interaction with the island, while respecting the strict technical requirements for navigation and flood safety. The pre-stressed bridge deck stretches over both river arms and obviates the need for additional piles, reducing both the construction costs and the risk of log or driftwood jams. This is achieved by raising the topography of the island around the bridge touchdown and integrating tiered seating areas and the access ramp in the landscape. The need for structural reinforcements at the landings is esthetically and functionally integrated in the design. Higher and stronger side-walls highlight the connection to the riverbanks and incorporate welcoming sitting areas. The other portions are dressed with a light and versatile balustrade made out of translucent plastic roundels freely attached to a steel netting. The roundels play with wind and sunlight to cast changing shadows and reflections onto the light colored concrete deck. In conjunction with the general layout of the bridge, these changing side-walls provide new stopover qualities and direct the view towards the old town on one side and the natural riverscape on the other. Also, existing public spaces benefit from the new pedestrian bridge. On Bubenské nábřeží, the relocated tram stop in front of the market benefits from the new riverfront balcony at the bridge landing. On Rohanské nábřeží new connections are created between the recent urban developments and the riverfront and a playing field with new features and sitting areas is accessible alongside the cycle route.