the hüttikerberg-sandbühl landscape corridor lies across the limmat and connects the two sides of the valley. under increasing pressure, the landscape area is to be sustainably protected, support the continuation of existing agriculture and at the same time create new recreational opportunities. in addition to long-term protection and functional disentanglement in the landscape space, overcoming spatial barriers is a challenge in this section of the valley. in addition to the limmat, the a1 highway and the large sbb railroad station have a separating effect. since two cantons and four municipalities border on this junction, an agreement across political boundaries is essential. agriculture is of great importance in this area and should be emphasized and made tangible as an identity of the landscape area. in addition to the medium-term mission statement, a catalog of measures including prioritization shows a phased implementation strategy. the experiences are divided into 4 categories: nature experience, with focus on the perception of the immediate environment. water experience, to strengthen and guide the experience of the limmat through restrained interventions. landscape experience, focusing on the perception of larger contexts of the new agricultural park. agricultural experience, the relationship to local production and the understanding of the multi-used space is promoted.